First Name: (required)
Last Name: (required)
Email Address: (required)
Phone Number:
Time Zone: PacificMountainCentralEasternOther
What industry/organization type will this site be built for? (i.e. Music, Sports, Etc.):
What language or languages will the site include? (i.e. English, Spanish, etc.):
What is the main purpose of the site & what are some specific results you want to achieve?:
List some key features you would like included in your web site (i.e. Image Gallery, Blog, E-Commerce, etc.):
What might you want to change or add to the site in the future? (i.e. e-commerce, video, etc):
Who is your target market or audience? (i.e. males, females, 18-35 y.o., etc):
Will the site content rarely change, or will it need to be constantly changed? Would you like the site to be updated by you/your company or by Vanus Creations?:
Do you have all content organized and ready for site? (i.e. logos, photos, text copy, etc.):
Please list the Navigation/Buttons that will navigate all areas of your site. (i.e. Home, Store, News, etc):
Who are your competitors and what are their web site addresses?:
How could we make your new site more useful than your competitors' sites?:
Give 3 example web sites you like from any industry. Please give reasons why.:
Give 3 example web sites you dislike. Please give reasons why.:
How quickly do you need this project completed?:
What is the availability of the key parties during this timeframe?:
Do you have a company graphic language set? Which colors and fonts does this language include? (If there is no graphic language - no collateral, letterhead and business cards, what are the anticipations in this area, since the site and the rest of the communications should speak the same language?):
Do you have a domain name secured and if so what is the domain name?:
If no domain name is secured, give three choices in order of importance:
Do you currently have a web hosting service for this site, and if so what is the name of the company?:
What is your budget for this project?: